Have a look at the way you can easily get inspired from a picture like this to create a really nice and joyful, summer colors jewelry.
(Photo by: www.chainimage.com)
Gold & Turquoise:
This combination is the perfect colors to give your jewelry a summer natural feel. The gold color for the shining sun and soft sand, and the blue shades of bright sky and cool water.
This color combination is based on the contrast between yellow and blue, so the result is an eye catching, fresh and glowing jewel.
The golden crystals are: Golden shadow, Light Colorado, Sand opal, Gray opal, Metallic sunshine and crystal dorado.
The turquoise crystals are: Light turquoise, turquoise and turquoise AB.
Metal plating:
The shiny yellow gold is one of the best sold and loved metal color plating, especially if it looks really good because it was made professionally and with a high quality standard.
When you use jewelry bases with this sparkly and gluing yellow gold plating you start your creation with a base that is has a stunning worm and glamorous look.
With these natural earth colors but strong contrast these jewelries are meant to celebrate summer with its worm, fun spirit. You don’t need to use a lot of crystals or very large size bases, using one or six crystals, a few sea elements charms are more than enough to create a cool, classic summer jewelry for wearing every day.
Have fun creating beautiful jewelry for summer!
Cup Chain team.